About Am I Eligible? Share Study FAQs

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Navigate is a clinical study of Dazoxumab in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

What is Navigate?

Navigate is a Phase 3 clinical study to examine how safe and effective a drug called Dazoxumab is in treating patients with non-small cell lung cancer

The study is taking place in the US and Canada.

During Navigate, patients will receive either Dazoxumab or a placebo. A placebo does not contain any medically active ingredients. The study drug each patient receives will be decided at random by a computer.

If you qualify and are selected for Navigate, your involvement will last up to 18 months. During this time, you will be expected to take the study drug as directed by the study doctor and assist the study doctor and their team by participating in study assessments.

If your selected study site invites you to the clinic to discuss the study in more detail, you will be provided with more information and have the opportunity to ask questions.


Navigate will take about 18 months to complete and is made up of three main periods.


To take part in a clinical trial, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. During Screening, doctors will assess if you meet these criteria.


During the Treatment period, eligible patients will receive their assigned study drug and attend regular visits at the clinic. The Treatment period will take 12 months to complete. Screening doctors will assess if you meet these criteria.


After patients finish receiving study drug, they will enter a 6-month follow up period. Doctors will keep in contact with patients throughout this period to assess their health and well-being.


At a glance


Months Approximately




Locations Approximately


Read through our FAQ’s below

Clinical research studies are conducted to determine whether the drug(s) being used in the study are safe and effective in treating a particular disease.

Every person who takes part in a clinical research study is supported by a dedicated team that includes doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. The commitment of each participant and the entire study team is important to help meet the objectives of the study. All clinical research studies are performed according to strict ethical and governmental guidelines to ensure that participants’ rights are protected while the information is being collected.

Your participation in this study may last up to 18 months. You are free to withdraw at any time. If you wish to withdraw from the study, please contact your study doctor.

You are free to leave the study at any time and this will not affect your future care in any way. Your doctor will continue to look after you and advise you about alternative treatment options.

All medications, both those that are approved and those undergoing clinical trials, may potentially cause unwanted side effects – some of these are known, but there could be others that have not previously been observed. Study procedures may also involve risks. You will be informed about all of the known potential side effects of the study drug and study procedures before you decide to take part in this clinical study. If any further risks are discovered while the study is ongoing, you will be informed immediately.

Your data will be collected, handled, and processed in compliance with applicable regulation guidelines. It will not be shared with anyone other than in circumstances that will be explained in your consent form.

Your identity will not be known to the company sponsoring this clinical trial or any of their research partners. Your identity will be replaced with a Subject Identification Number.


Navigate is taking place at 50 locations across
the United States and Canada.

Am I Eligible?

Please answer the following questions to see if you may be eligible to participate in the Navigate Study.
When you are finished, click Am I Eligible?

Are you 18 years of age or older?

Have you previously been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer?

Have you previously been diagnosed with any other type of cancer?

Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant within the next 12 months?

Have you participated in a clinical trial in the last 3 months? 


Based on your answers, you are potentially eligible for Navigate. Please enter your contact details below:

I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years old and I consent to being contacted by the study site selected about taking part in this study, and I consent to my data being processed by Longboat as outlined in their Privacy Policy.

Thank you

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Based on your answers, you are currently not eligible for the study. If your answers to any of the questions change, please check back to see if you are eligible. Thank you for your interest.